Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Website is Live

[Ah... ah....  ZSGQCCUDQWVS !!  Sorry about that.  Technorati verify tag.  Anyways, we'll continue - ]

One of the (let's say "cool") things about doing DIY movies is that you have to do it all your own self.  From lighting to lunch to directing to cleaning up when you're done, if you don't do it, it don't get done.  

Now that we're in post production, one of the next big push things is marketing, of which the website is a part.  Big part, actually.  Which means someone needs to get that thing up and running.  And when someone says "someone" in the DIY context, guess who that means?

So.  Brushed off CoffeeCup's HTML editor, whacked in some HTML 5, pushed it up to the server with CoffeeCup's DirectFTP, and there ya go.  One "Pardon our dust" website, live and well.  Well, maybe not all that well - You'll notice that the Photos and the Media pages are bereft of anything even remotely interesting.  And that the people page needs more... people-ish content.  

Still though, the thing is now up and kicking.  Take a gander if you dare:

Look for more content as the weeks progress...