Friday, January 21, 2011


Haven't been a lot of newsworthy items on the Sixufus front lately.  Seems post was mostly shut down over Christmas, while Anaik Films is gearing up for other productions - A short, two other feature-lengths. 

Looking back, I see where the script was finished in early September, 2009.  The project started before that, so you could say this film has been a work in progress for one and a half years.  Flies by when you're working on it - Honing it, building it up, scraping away the rough edges.  But it positively crawls by when you're waiting in the wings.

Post production has claimed it's victims, film-wise.  I've already lost one to post.  But the good news is, Sixufus is not one of those -

The latest from Maurice Moore is that the going is slow, but it's steady.  The film is being edited by the brothers Rios in Spain; Maurice is in LA.  There's a time gap (9 hours) that they must cross on a regular basis, with Moe seeing rough cuts of various scenes and the brothers working off his notes.  Meanwhile, everyone has to keep the bills paid via their day jobs.  

At this rate, we expect a rough cut of the entire film at some point in February.  

This doesn't mean it will be done.  No.  This is merely the foundation of post, upon which all of the shining key pieces (such as music and sound) will be built.  But it is a significant milestone on the Sixufus timeline....