Friday, September 18, 2009

What Sixufus is About

No screenplay is really complete, in my opinion, until the synopsis is generated.  So what better place to unveil it than here?
Ever since he’s been accused of killing his mother, Darwin Russell has lead a reclusive and shunned life.  And during this private, un-ambitious hiatus, Darwin has healed by developing a coping mechanism:  Multiple personalities.  Some of them are nice.  And some… not so much.  And when some particular personalities are “in charge”, the others can’t see what is happening.  Blackouts occur. 
 Irregardless of their differences, all of them work together to hide his secret.
 But at his father’s death, Darwin once again comes under scrutiny:  He is the primary beneficiary of the will.  Millions of dollars, plus untold income in real estate and stock holdings.
 And with the inheritance comes the fortune seekers.  Family members with grudges and power.  Family friends with blackmail and other enticements. 
 All seeking Darwin.  All scouring him for manipulatable crevices in his character armor.
 And in the light of investigation, the glow of fortune, and the grip of blackmail, Darwin unleashes the forces within in a final effort at self-preservation.

The logline, however, is always a trickier hatchling.  It must be pithy and intriguing and... Well, you know.  Here's the current batch.  Let me know which one is your favorite.

An insane man inherits a fortune, but must first fend off blackmailers and backstabbing family members.
A man plagued with multiple personalities becomes the center of intrigue when he is named as sole heir of a fortune.

Or you know what would be cool?  If you generated a better one.  Give it a shot, I'd love to see whatever you come up with!

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